You’re moving to a new place in Boston and you’ve realized there are many things standing between you and the big September 1st moving date… and with Isaac’s checklist by your side you should be able to make sure you don’t miss a thing.
We’ve come up with a list of the five things to do at every stage before the big day – from a month away to the actual move day. So, the countdown begins a few weeks before hand…
1) Plan what to take.
Draw a plan for the house so you know where everything is going to go, according to each room and how much space you have. Take an inventory of your possessions. Decide what you would like to keep, what you are going to give away (to friends or charity), what you can sell, and what can be trashed or recycled.
2) Order packing supplies.
Make sure you have sturdy boxes in a variety of sizes, bubble wrap and packing tape.
3) Start packing early
It’s not too early to start sorting through your belongings and pack the items that you do not use regularly. Seasonal clothes, decorations, books and old files are good places to start, along with the garage, basement and attic.
4) Create a moving file
Create a file of important documents relating to the move – contracts, receipts, lists, insurance information, rental agreements etc. Keep a notebook for to-do lists, notes on phone conversations and recommendations from friends. If your employer is contributing to relocation costs, find out exactly how much that will be.
5) Register your change of address
You can register your new address at the post office or register your change of address with them online. Make a list of names of the people you need to inform of your new address – friends and family, bank and credit card companies, magazine and newspaper subscriptions, charities and societies. Keep the list somewhere handy so you easily add on names as you remember them.